Making international resources familiar and bringing them together – MMS is now providing the perfect space.
The world is a village and thanks to digital technologies and a multitude of networking opportunities, many projects and plans benefit from the transfer of know-how with people all over the world. At MMS, too, lively exchange is desired: internationally and interculturally. Under its „own roof“, the company already has a wide range of resources from people around the globe.
Currently, 125 internationals from 45 countries are represented in the MMS, including Australia, England, India, Iran, Syria and El Salvador. They work at all MMS locations. The currently active International Community consists of 10 members, from all parts of the world. We work together virtually from the locations Berlin, Dresden, Munich, Jena, and Stuttgart.

„¡Hola! My name is Priscilla and I work as an User Experience Designer in Team UX Strategy and Consulting.I was born and raised in El Salvador – the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America. Famous for its beaches, great coffee, lakes, and volcanos, it may or may not be the world’s most beautiful country … At least in my biased opinion.I grew up trilingual, speaking German, English, and Spanish from a young age. Nowadays I speak mostly a combination of all three.I came to Germany to study and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in information design at the Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart with majors in user research and interaction design. I started at the MMS as a student and also wrote my thesis at the company. After that, I stayed, and have been working full-time for over 3,5 years now. I recently moved to Hamburg and so far, I am loving being close(r) to the water, which reminds me of home.„
Internationals@MMS – Who are we?
The community serves as platform for cross-location networking of internationals and interested parties as well as for the preparation and translation into English of information for internationals.
Therefore, some measures have been set up. Regular blog posts keep all interested parties up to date on current activities. Through regular digital meetings all participants have the opportunity to discuss current projects and topics and to network.

„My Name is Likith which means ‚Writing‘ in my Native Language. I come from Bengaluru, City in Southern India.I am not a writer but a Software Engineer. I am located in Berlin and working for MMS as Salesforce Software Engineer since April 2019.I am an M.Sc. Graduate from OVGU Univeristy, Magdeburg in Germany. I also worked for MMS as worked student during my studies back in 2017. Basically I work as a full stack Developer customized for salesforce. I have overall work experience in IT industry for 4 years.Coming to my hobbies, I am a sports player and love to play Cricket. Being a nature lover, I like to travel and trekk during my vacation. Also I love country side driving.“
Common events, like the International Game Event contribute to the awareness leven and strengthen the common sense of the community. By translations of our intranet pages and collection of information like German courses now our infrastructure becomes increasingly user-friendly. In order to create the most comfortable start possible for new colleagues at the MMS and in Germany, a Welcome Guide has been compiled providing important information on visas, registration in Germany and much more.
Additionally, workshops on cultural differences in the work context with a focus on Germany are planned to help colleagues from all over the world to settle in. Workshops on other cultures are planned as well, held by internationals for all interested parties.
Be part of MMS!

Jeder im Unternehmen erlebt den Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf unseren (Berufs)-Alltag und die Unternehmenskultur anders. Übergreifende Teams, welche sich auch außerhalb des Codes verstehen, sind mein Ziel. Nur im Miteinander gelingt der digitale Wandel, weswegen ich mich auch für die Themen Nachhaltigkeit und Diversity engagiere, um das Bewusstsein sowie die stetige Weiterentwicklung zu fördern.